How I got here: Ali Zeeshan Khan, digital services manager, Informa ME
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How I got here: Ali Zeeshan Khan, digital services manager, Informa ME

How I got here: Ali Zeeshan Khan, digital services manager, Informa ME

Ali Zeeshan Khan on his journey of growth at event management firm Informa



I am from Karachi, Pakistan, where I completed a diploma in arts and graphics after high school in 2003. I completed a bachelor’s in Information Technology in 2008 and that’s when I moved to Dubai to boost my early career as a web professional. Working with different marketing professionals within the organisation developed my interest in marketing, and in 2015 I finished my master’s degree in digital marketing. This education helps me bring a lot to my role.

My start

I worked part-time jobs throughout my education, and after completing my diploma I became a web designer with online branding company Logo Design Guru. I worked the night shift for four years until I finished my bachelor’s and moved to Dubai at the age of 25. After working at a semi-government company for 18 months I joined Informa Middle East as web administrator. Thanks to the management, who believe in me and have encouraged and supported me to achieve my goals, I have had an enjoyable and successful time here so far. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the right career openings and met the right people at the right times.


My approach is to get things done and keep it as simple as possible – but not simpler, as Albert Einstein says. My seniors, co-workers and clients know what they get when they work with me – I deliver what I say. If I can’t deliver the project, I won’t take it on. My work is all about doing something that gives my company value from the moment I start. I always keep myself updated with the latest trends and digital products, as the digital industry always keeps you on your toes.

Highs and lows

Everyone has highs and lows, good times and bad times in their lives, and it’s important to enjoy the highs and learn from the disappointments. I believe that true growth – both personal and professional – comes from the lows of your life. And I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason – whether successes or failures. The important thing is to be patient, keep calm and always give your best.

Do’s and don’ts

There are three ‘dos’ that I truly believe in. Firstly, always be willing to learn when given the opportunity. Secondly, celebrate your successes – find a balance between arrogant and sheepish and take credit when you deserve it. If you’ve done something notable, there’s no shame in owning up to it. Finally, give people a chance – step out of your cubicle and get to know your co-workers. These are people you spend most your week with and work becomes less of a chore and more of a pleasure when you enjoy the company of your colleagues. For ‘don’ts’, don’t worry about being the first one out or the last one in. If you are efficient and have put in an honest day of work, there is no shame in packing up and heading home. Your to-do list will always be there, and if you are an asset to your employer, they will recognise the work that you do.


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