Dubai's Emirates launches two new ice TV channels
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Dubai’s Emirates launches two new ice TV channels

Dubai’s Emirates launches two new ice TV channels

The channels will promote things to do in Dubai and the UAE


Dubai airline Emirates has added two new channels to its ice entertainment system that will promote activities in Dubai and the UAE.

The channels will be available from December and will enable local businesses to reach out to the five million passengers who fly on Emirates each month, a statement said.

The two promotional TV channels will be called ‘Dining and entertainment’ and ‘Attractions and activities’.

The videos will feature restaurants, golf courses, hotels and authentic UAE experiences, the statement said.

Emirates will highlight the availability of the channels, which are included in the ‘Dubai and Emirates’ section on ice.

“Emirates has always promoted what Dubai and the UAE has to offer. These new TV channels provide local businesses a very affordable way to market themselves to arriving passengers and UAE residents,” said Patrick Brannelly, Emirates’ divisional vice president of Customer Experience.

“Maybe you’re coming to Dubai for an important meeting and want to find a great restaurant to take clients to, or perhaps you’re looking for ideas to entertain the family on holiday – these will be “go to” channels on ice to help you plan your trip,” he added.

The new TV channels provide new marketing opportunities, with bespoke 60 to 120 second video clips allowing businesses to showcase their products and services.

Emirates, in partnership with Motivate Media Group, will provide the end to end service – from producing the videos to providing the hosting platform.

Motivate Media Group will handle video bookings as well as providing a full video production support, from concept, design and scripting, all the way through to post-production and editing of content to meet the channel guidelines and format style.

Ian Fairservice, managing partner and group editor-in-chief, Motivate Media Group said: “We have worked closely with Emirates for more than 30 years, and we’re very excited to start this new venture. This project provides a tremendous opportunity to build engaging content on the channel and help grow the inflight entertainment services on Emirates.”


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