Sustainability: Not just a responsibility, but also an opportunity
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Sustainability: Not just a responsibility, but also an opportunity

Sustainability: Not just a responsibility, but also an opportunity

To address climate change and its implications for societies a concerted effort is urgently needed – both from the public and private sectors


To what extent are your efforts aligned with the UAE’s sustainability goals in the lead-up to COP28?

To address climate change and its implications for societies a concerted effort is urgently needed – both from the public and private sectors. The significance of COP28 lies in its mission to bring the international community to the table to address global warming and agree on tangible solutions.

We recognise the importance of global efforts to address climate emergencies and promote sustainable development, and we believe that businesses have an instrumental role to play in achieving these goals.

Therefore, we also strive to minimise the impacts of our business and production on the environment worldwide, thereby showing other companies that they can do the same for their businesses and that having a sustainable business model can be beneficial for the bottom line. As such, we have our goals aligned with the UAE’s sustainability goals, including UAE Net Zero 2050.

To that end, we have implemented a slew of initiatives that are directly aligned with the UAE’s sustainability goals. For one, we have launched a comprehensive sustainability programme that includes ambitious targets for reducing our environmental footprint across our entire value chain. By 2050, we intend to achieve a net positive biodiversity impact within cooperative. We also aim to have 100 per cent of our packaging recycled or reused by 2025.

What kind of responsibility is FrieslandCampina and its brand Rainbow harbouring to generate awareness on recycling and sustainability?

Sustainability is one of the core objectives of our organisation. We believe that as a leading player in the industry, it is our duty to be at the forefront of efforts to promote sustainable practices and reduce waste.

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our approach to business, which places a strong emphasis on responsible sourcing, efficient production and reducing our environmental footprint. We recognise that our products are part of a larger ecosystem, and we are committed to doing our part to ensure that our operations have a positive impact on the environment and the communities in which we operate.

To fulfill our responsibility, we have implemented a number of initiatives to educate and generate awareness on recycling and sustainability. These initiatives include partnering with local communities, NGOs, and governments to promote recycling and waste reduction, as well as developing sustainable packaging solutions for our products.

In the UAE, we have launched a nationwide recycling initiative in line with UAE Net Zero goals by means of which we are motivating residents to start recycling.

We firmly believe that sustainability is not just a responsibility, but also an opportunity to create a better future for our planet and our communities. Therefore, we are committed to doing our part to promote recycling and sustainability, and we look forward to continuing to drive positive change in the industry and beyond.

Tell us how are you engaging UAE’s teashops as part of your nationwide sustainability drive?

Teashops are a significant part of the UAE’s food and beverage industry and play an important role in shaping consumer preferences and behavior. We have developed several initiatives to engage with teashops as part of our nationwide sustainability drive.

One of our recent initiatives include a nation-wide initiative to collect two million Rainbow tins (weighed at 100 tonnes) in 2023, in line with Dubai’s goal to achieve zero waste by 2030. The programme is an extension of a pilot programme undertaken in partnership with Veolia in May 2022 to help collect and recycle Rainbow cans from UAE’s tea shops. The drive engaged 10 teashops over three months which was then increased to 25 teashops in 2022. Thanks to that initiative, in 2022, we collected six tonnes of tins and a total of 110,000 tins. For 2023, we plan to collect 100 tonnes of tins and a total of 2,000,000 tins.

Aside from that, we are also promoting our sustainable product offerings, such as our Rainbow evaporated milk in a PET format, to teashops across the UAE. This product offers a more sustainable packaging solution that reduces waste and is easier to recycle. We are actively encouraging teashops to switch to this more sustainable option and reduce their reliance on traditional packaging formats.

Has sustainability become a business imperative for cooperatives in the UAE? How are you ensuring you approach sustainability beyond a mere tick-box exercise?

We believe that sustainability is not just a moral obligation, but also a business imperative. As various data shows us, consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of the products they consume, and businesses that fail to prioritise sustainability are likely to face reputational risks as well as loss of market share.

According to BCG research, 44 per cent of GCC consumers believe the warming climate is already adversely affecting their personal lives, whereas 63 per cent think the impact will be felt by future generations. This should be a wake-up call for businesses across all sectors.

Therefore, as one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world, we are committed to driving sustainable growth and ensuring that sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.

To ensure that our approach to sustainability goes beyond a mere tick-box exercise, we have developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is integrated into our business operations. Our sustainability strategy is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and focuses on four key areas: climate and energy, water, packaging and waste, and sustainable farming.

We have set ambitious targets to reduce our environmental footprint and drive sustainable growth across all our operations in the UAE. For example, we have set a target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent by 2030, and we are working to reduce water usage in our manufacturing processes. We have also developed sustainable product offerings, such as our Rainbow evaporated milk in a PET format, which offers a more sustainable packaging solution that reduces waste and is easier to recycle.

To ensure that our sustainability strategy is implemented effectively, we have established a dedicated sustainability team that works closely with all areas of our business. We have also integrated sustainability into our performance management and employee training programs, to ensure that all employees are aware of our sustainability goals and are committed to driving sustainable growth.

How do you aim to sustain business growth while increasing positive social impact?

We believe that business growth and positive social impact can go hand in hand. We recognise that our success is not just measured in financial terms, but also in the positive impact we can have on society and the environment.

To sustain business growth while increasing positive social impact, we have developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is integrated into our all business operations.

Our sustainability strategy focuses on four key areas: climate and energy, water, packaging and waste, and sustainable farming. We have set ambitious targets to reduce our environmental footprint and drive sustainable growth across all our operations in the UAE.

By achieving these targets, we aim to create a positive social impact by promoting sustainable practices, reducing waste, and helping to build a more sustainable future for our stakeholders.

In addition, we are committed to investing in our employees and local communities to drive positive social impact. To that end, we have implemented programs to promote employee health and well-being, and we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion across all areas of our business. We also work closely with local communities to promote sustainable practices and support social initiatives that align with our sustainability strategy.

To sustain business growth while increasing positive social impact, we are also committed to innovation and collaboration. We are constantly exploring new ways to reduce our environmental footprint and promote sustainable practices. That is why we actively seek out partnerships with other organisations and stakeholders, including public and private sectors as well as NGOs to drive positive social impact and promote sustainability across all fields.

Ali Ahmed Khan is the vice president at FrieslandCampina – MENAP

Read: UAE President announces 2023 as ‘Year of Sustainability’

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