10 Tips For Managing Your Online Brand
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10 Tips For Managing Your Online Brand

10 Tips For Managing Your Online Brand

Suhail Al Masri, VP of Sales at Bayt.com suggests the do’s and don’ts to protect your online reputation.



1. Decide on a message and stick to it

A great thing to decide upon is what you’re good at professionally – this will help you develop a tailored message on what you do best. In what functions and responsibilities do you excel? For what things are you the designated “go-to” person? The possibilities are endless. Choose a few elements and make sure they show across all your activities on the web.

2. Make sure your online presence is always professional and consistent

Ask yourself: Is my online presence professional? Is it current? Is it complete? Does it have endorsements or recommendations? Is it interesting? Is it engaged?

3. Engage

Dynamic dialogues should happen constantly and consistently. You can do that on several platforms like Facebook groups, forums, Twitter, etc.

4. Get your opinions verified

Get your friends and colleagues to ‘like’ your updates and share them as well, because peer recognition adds credibility.

5. Expand your network

Finally, network. Then network again. Establish yourself firmly and share your knowledge with other professionals. You never know where those contacts might lead you – they may be the key to the job of your dreams.


1. Including an unprofessional picture

Be very careful of the picture you choose to go with your online personal profile. Make sure that it’s professional, and that you’re attired appropriately.

2. Listing false information

Dishonesty and any fabrication or exaggeration of facts is never permissible if you want to build a credible image online. Including false information, exaggerating facts or bragging about things you haven’t done will not only get you nowhere, but will also harm your personal brand.

3. Being vague

Be very specific and clearly define your goals and objectives. Are you building this online image to become known as the best project manager in a certain industry? Obtain the job of creative director at a large advertising agency? Become VP of marketing? Be specific of what you want to achieve.

4. Failing to manage the brand

Failing to update and keeping an eye on your online public profile is certainly not good for your personal brand. You should proactively manage all aspects of your brand, ensuring these aspects are in sync and that they continue to reinforce your brand attributes.

5. Not managing your privacy settings correctly

It is important to search for yourself online, update your social media profiles, and hide any inappropriate photos or posts from public view, because chances are employers will be Googling your name at any stage of the hiring process. It is very important to all job seekers to keep in mind that their profiles are to remain private, clean and exempt of any negative or potentially damaging personal content that will definitely not work in their favour.


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