5 Steps To Strike A Work-Life Balance
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5 Steps To Strike A Work-Life Balance

5 Steps To Strike A Work-Life Balance

Small business-owners should learn to take work-breaks, writes Prajit Arora, managing director of Sentinel Business Centres.


Small business owners find it very difficult to take a break from the office and find a work-life balance. Lots of companies find themselves in a loop of countless emails, memos, and meetings stacked on top of each other. This unnecessary overload of communication is a big waste of time, and usually holds you back from attending to things outside of your work.

People may argue that the two successes of work and home are mutually exclusive, but we find that achieving a balance is attainable. It requires an ability to put aside work burdens at the end of the day, and give full focus to other important relationships. For an entrepreneur, his passion is work and vice versa, so separating work and personal time can become even more difficult, and it’s easy to find yourself on call 24/7.

Being mobile and constantly connected adds a new dynamic to vacations, as it has now become part of the norm to stay connected even while on a break.

There is no doubt that over-use of technology is growing into a global phenomenon, bordering on an addiction for many. According to an external Manta Wellness survey conducted in June 2012, 71 per cent of business owners find themselves glancing at their emails and accessing documents from mobile devices while sitting on a beach, in a tourism outing or while trying to spend time with their families. It is then no surprise that business owners find themselves returning from vacations even more tired than when they embarked on them.

Striking a perfect work-life balance is certainly not easy, but here are five easy steps to get you started:

1. Take a break from technology for one hour everyday during lunch; you will enjoy your food much more and also clear your mind of stressful things.

2. Every day, select one family member or a friend and make it a point to reach out to them for a five-minute chat, a quick Skype session or even an evening meal.

3. Exercise at least three times a week for physical and mental wellbeing. The endorphins will make you feel good and help clear your mind.

4. Learn to relax. Pick an activity you love to do, whether it is cooking or photography, and add it to your schedule. During the scheduled time, make it a rule to stay away from work emails and calls.

5. Instead of wasting half your work-day checking your twitter feed, Facebook notifications and Instagram, improve your efficiency by setting aside five minute breaks throughout the day to keep up with the latest social media happenings.


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