Dubai Municipality announced that reducing expenditures by Dhs693 million, helped the body to achieve a budget surplus of Dhs2.1bn in 2011. The rationalisation of expenses in operational activities saved Dhs245 million, in projects saved Dhs120 million, and four programmes in the field of income developments helped the Municipality save Dhs328 million, according to Mohammed Abdul Karim Julfar, assistant director general of Dubai Municipality.
It is essential to develop a rational budget to meet the actual needs of organizational units and exploit human and material resources in the implementation of programmes and projects without resorting to outsourcing, said Julfar.
“They [the financial department] could also expand partnerships with the private sector in the implementation of investment projects and sponsoring community events,” he said.
According to Saif Al Shamsi, director of the finance department, initiatives undertaken helped the civic body to reduce costs in the general budget by 19 per cent, operating expenses by 10 per cent and projects by 25 per cent in 2011 compared to 2010.