Dubai police arrest person who shot video of valet refusing to get off from car bonnet
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Dubai police arrest person who shot video of valet refusing to get off from car bonnet

Dubai police arrest person who shot video of valet refusing to get off from car bonnet

Filming someone without their permission and posting the clip on social media is against the law in the UAE


Dubai Police have arrested the person who filmed and shared the video of a man who refused to get off from the bonnet of a moving car in the emirate.

The video clip, which went viral after it was uploaded on social media sites on Tuesday, shows a man climbing on the car even as the driver attempts to move forward. The incident took place at a traffic signal near Madinat Jumeirah.

Officials also said that the person who filmed the clip has been arrested for violating the UAE’s cyber laws of filming of people without their knowledge and sharing their photos on social networks or other websites.

Colonel Faisal Al-Qasim, director of the department of security information, said violators face imprisonment for six months and/ or a fine ranging from Dhs150,000 to up Dhs500,000.

He urged the public to communicate with the police and report any suspicious activity, accident, crime, or disagreement directly through the Dubai police app or its website.

“Never share videos with relatives or friends even if it is in good faith, so that they do not suffer legal accountability,” he added.

Police also confirmed that the man in the video clip – a valet driver in one of the hotels – got into a dispute with the driver of the car – a woman – and that they had both been summoned to the police station and charged with endangering lives.

Officials said the dispute broke out over whether she had given him the correct parking ticket.

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. . بعد تداول فيديو لهما على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي #شرطة_دبي تحيل الرجل والسيدة إلى الجهات المختصة أفاد العقيد فيصل القاسم، مدير إدارة الاعلام الأمني في شرطة دبي، انه بالإشارة إلى مقطع الفيديو المتداول في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي حول جلوس أحد الأشخاص " موظف مواقف سيارات" على مقدمة سيارة تقودها سيدة في محاولة لاعتراضها ومنعها من القيادة في منطقة اختصاص مركز شرطة بر دبي، ما يعرض حياته وحياة الآخرين للخطر. وتعود تفاصيل الواقعة إلى أن الشخص يعمل في مواقف سيارات إحدى الفنادق بمنطقة بر دبي، مبررا تصرفه بعد استدعائه مع السيدة للحضور إلى مركز شرطة بر دبي، إلى أنه حاول منعها من المغادرة نظرا لخلاف بينهما، حيث أفاد الشخص بأن السيدة أعطته تذكرة موقف تعود لسيارة أخرى، فيما أفادت السيدة بأنها قامت بدفع أجرة الموقف وسلمته التذكرة الصحيحة، مشيرا إلى أن الشرطة اتخذت الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة بحقهما. ودعا العقيد فيصل القاسم أفراد الجمهور إلى اللجوء للسلطات المعنية في حال حدوث خلافات، وعدم التصرف بسلوكيات قد تعرضهم للمساءلة القانونية، كما شدد على عدم نشر مقاطع فيديو على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وهو ما قد يتسبب بإثارة البلبلة والمخاوف. #أمنكم_سعادتنا #نتواصل_ونحمي_نبتكر_ونبني . . In regards to the viral video footage circulated on social media showing a man endangering his life and the lives of others by sitting on a moving car driven by a woman in the Bur Dubai jurisdiction area, the Director of Dubai Police Security Media, Colonel Faisal Essa AlQasim, confirmed that both the man and driver were summoned to the Bur Dubai Police Station for investigations. The man who works in a valet parking claimed that he blocked the woman’s path after she (the driver) had given him a ticket for another car rather than the ticket for her own. The woman , however, insisted she had given him the right ticket for her car. Colonel AlQasim confirmed that legal procedures have been taken against both parties. The Director of Dubai Police Security Media reminded members of the public to always seek the help of competent authorities in case of any misunderstandings or conflicts . He also called on members of the public to refrain from posting or sharing any harmful contents on social media as such act is punishable by local laws. #yoursecurityourhappiness #smartsecuretogether

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