Interview: e& enterprise’s Salvador Anglada on AI, sustainability and digitalisation
From sustainability as an operational tool to deploying it as a service, Anglada sheds light on the company’s long-terms targets

Salvador Anglada, chief executive officer, e& enterprise speaks to Gulf Business about the technology trends shaping the region, the company’s acquisition strategy, and sustainability as a strategy and a service.
Q: What trends or innovations piqued your interest at GITEX Global 2023, and what’s the future trajectory for the industry?
GITEX Global has evolved from a regional platform to a global hub, emphasising the region’s technological significance. The focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and AI applications stands out as a significant trend. Unlike previous technology surges like blockchain and the Metaverse, I believe AI is here to stay and will expand, introducing newer applications supported by AI.
Q: How are you integrating AI into enterprise systems?
Our emphasis on integrating AI primarily extends to customer interaction. We assist customers in managing and organising their data effectively, including combining unstructured and structured data. We build custom algorithms for specific use cases, and we offer ‘AI as a service’ by managing end-to-end requests, from data to models, for the customers.
Q: Can you shed light on e& enterprise’s acquisition strategies in the region?
Our approach is meticulous and selective. We assess companies for their potential to add value, geographical footprint, and the cultural fit of their leadership. We undertake thorough screening and due diligence before making any acquisition.
Q: What are the long-term goals for e& enterprise?
Our primary focus is on continued growth, diversification outside the UAE, and becoming the leading digital transformation company in the region within the next five years. Our goal is to establish a more diversified and digitally progressive company.
As for e& enterprise’s goals in the next two to five years, we aim to continue growing and diversify our business, seeking a higher percentage of business outside the UAE. Our ultimate ambition within five years is to become the leading digital transformation company in the region.
Q: How is sustainability shaping your operational approach?
Sustainability is a critical factor for us. We’ve set aggressive targets for net-zero emissions by 2030. Our ‘sustainability as a service’ initiative helps clients manage their carbon footprint and energy consumption effectively. We’ve seen an increased demand for such sustainability products from both government and non-government entities.
We have set ambitious targets within our telecom sector. Our services will aid customers in managing their carbon footprint and energy efficiency. Our comprehensive sustainability programme involves over 30 services to improve energy efficiency across various sectors, like Fleet Management and urban lighting.
Q: How is sustainability strategically applied within your operations at e&?
Not only are we responsible for COP28 – in fact, e& is the main sponsor. However, it’s not merely about supporting global activities; we want to showcase our commitment to sustainability. We’ve set very strict targets for 2030, aiming for net-zero emissions in scope one and two within the telco, an ambitious goal I’ve rarely seen elsewhere.
There’s a growing demand for sustainability products. In the past 12 to 18 months, this demand has significantly increased. It wasn’t previously on the agenda, but now, most government and non-government entities are considering it. Our proposition aligns well with their needs, helping them understand and tackle these issues, set targets, and monitor their performance against those targets. It’s just the beginning.
Companies taking this seriously are witnessing higher customer propensity and enhanced market value. Companies with a sustainability agenda are seeing a lower cost of capital due to their three-year sustainability roadmap for the future.