The UAE Public Prosecution said on Tuesday that private teaching lessons are a violation of the preventative measures aimed at stemming the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Consequently, those involved will receive a fine of Dhs30,000 for being present or organising lessons, while those responsible for involved venues will be fined Dhs20,000.
The Public Prosecution said that under the new table of violations and fines associated with the Resolution of the UAE Attorney-General No. 38 for 2020, amended upon Resolution No. 54 for 2020, private tutoring sessions violate rules involving personal contact through face-to-face meetings in public or private places or home visits, with or without fees for all academic years.
In September, the authorities in the country released an updated list of fines for those found violating the Covid-19 precautionary measures.
Read: UAE issues updated list of fines for offenders of Covid-19 safety measures
These ranged from Dhs1,000 fines for retaking a Covid-19 test within a fortnight without a valid reason, Dhs3,000 fines for not wearing a face mask at an indoor public place or on public transport, and Dhs5,000 for not wearing a mask at a workplace.
Officials in Dubai, as well as other emirates, have been constantly inspecting commercial establishments to check for their adherence to the Covid-19 rules and have issued a number of fines and warnings. In a few instances, it has also closed establishments that were found to be overwhelmingly ignoring the health protocols.
On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health and Prevention registered 1,077 new cases, 1502 additional recoveries and four deaths.