How I got here... Salman Lakhani, co-founder and CEO, Cubix
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How I got here… Salman Lakhani, co-founder and CEO, Cubix

How I got here… Salman Lakhani, co-founder and CEO, Cubix

Treat people right, encourage experimentation and work hard, says Lakhani



I received my early education in Karachi and, after completing high school, I studied for my bachelors in computing at Staffordshire University. Other than professional qualifications, I educated myself by observing people and learned from my professional and personal environment. I think life is the best teacher and the experience we go through is the best learning curve for every one of us.

My start

I hail from a very humble background and am a firm believer of the saying ‘hard work pays off’. I started my career in the IT industry as a software engineer, later gaining senior-level positions in the same company. Higher management spotted my leadership qualities and I was promoted to project manager. In just three years I was next to my boss. However, I believe I was a born entrepreneur and at the age of 28 I founded Cubix with an investment of just $500. It is now a multi million-dollar company with a global clientele that includes the likes of Estee Lauder, Politico, Tissot, Walmart, Paypal, Sony and more.

My approach

Even when I was an employee, my approach was straightforward. I focus on finding the solution rather than thinking about the complexity of a problem. I believe in my people, and I am opposed to micro-management. I always treat my employees as a family, and this is why Cubix has done remarkably well in the software development industry around the globe. Treat people right, encourage experimentation, motivate them and they’ll put their blood and sweat in your company. This is what I believe in.

Highs and lows

I built Cubix as a social media app development company, and the company got off to a flying start. In the first year, we had a headcount of more than 30 people, which increased in the third year to 90. But suddenly, the dynamics of the social media app industry changed completely and Cubix hit rock bottom. This was a real low but I was determined to turn it around and create a new high. With fewer than 60 employees remaining, I learned from my mistake of not being adaptive and revoked the processes of my company. I succeeded in getting an investment that became the turning point of Cubix. I never give up, and this was the killer-instinct that kept driving Cubix and me forward. I turned my weaknesses into my strengths and focussed on improving business processes, turning Cubix into a software development company. Giving up is not an option, but a choice and you build your destiny by making right choices.

Dos and don’ts

Honesty, transparency and sheer hard work. The list of ‘dos’ ends here, because if a person follows these traits as his working ritual, success is the outcome without any doubt. It’s all about how adaptive a person is and what is his approach towards embracing the change. As for the list of don’ts, never fear experimenting with new things. If you can prove your point, don’t hesitate in putting your view on the table. And lastly, but most importantly, there is no shortcut to success. As they say, it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill.


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