The growth rate of the number of economic licences issued by the Department of Economic Development in Ajman (Ajman DED) in 2021 reached 41 per cent.
Meanwhile, the number of establishments in the emirate reached 27,913, and the Labour Resilience Index reached 17 per cent.
The initiatives launched by the Ajman DED during the current year have resulted in a high growth rate of the Taziz Programme to about 238 per cent.
Abdulla Ahmed Al Hemrani Alshamsi, director general of Ajman DED said, that the Ajman DED supports the industrial sector, where factories in the emirate reached 1,047.
The industrial sector constitutes 20 per cent of the emirate’s GDP. The department also provided many initiatives that support exporters in the emirate, including Logistics Passport Services, which benefitted 105 beneficiaries.
A cooperation agreement was also concluded with Abu Dhabi regarding exports to support exporting, where the number of beneficiaries reached 16 beneficiaries, according to news agency WAM.
He stated that the department signed 54 agreements during the current year, and the percentage of partners’ satisfaction reached 85 percent, while the department’s satisfaction rate with the partners was recorded at 81 per cent.
The partnership effectiveness rate was 98 per cent, while the total transactions resulting from partnerships amounted to 174,671 transactions.
Al Hemrani stressed that the department fully supported investors and owners of SMEs, through several initiatives, including events and exhibitions. The Fifty Exhibition, an initiative in Ajman that promotes owners of SMEs, was also held.
Ajman DED also reportedly contributed to employing the unemployed with a rate of 8.5 per cent through the Taziz Programme, which carried out 144 feasibility studies for various projects, 7 per cent of which were converted to existing projects that support the economic development.
“The department has made unremitting efforts during the current year to develop the economic and industrial sectors to push the wheel of comprehensive development through many initiatives,” noted Alshamsi.