REVEALED: The 30 best places to work in the Middle East
The annual Middle East list, published by “The Best Places to Work”, has just been released and it has based its results on the assessment of over 500 companies

Looking to change employers in 2024? You might want to take a closer look at the below published list of the 30 “best places work” in the Middle East.
The latest annual list, published by an organisation called “The Best Places to Work”, has just been released, and it is based on the assessment of over 500 companies across the region.
Best Places to Work is an international certification programme that is considered as the ‘platinum standard’ in identifying and recognising top workplaces around the world. And as part of its measurements, the programme recognises employer excellence by evaluating the quality of the people practices and the employee experience around eight topics including effective leadership, people strategy, relationships, employee engagement and CSR.
To be considered in the listing, companies must be identified as outstanding employers at least in one of the countries across the region.
“Despite the challenges facing businesses in 2023, these employers stood out for their commitment to employee well-being, flexible work, and equity for all employees,” Hamza Idrissi, Programme Manager for the Middle East, said.
The list of the top 30 Best Places to Work in Middle East for 2023:
- AstraZeneca
- McDonald’s
- Roshn
- AM Bank
- Money Gram
- Schneider Electric
- Novo Nordisk
- Pfizer
- Mashreq Bank
- International Maritime Industries
- Globalpharma
- Sawani Company
- International Medical Center
- Kinan
- Al Ramz
- Bank Al Etihad
- YK Almoayyed & Sons
- Bidaya Home Finance
- Utec
- Saudi Air Navigation Services
- Beko
- Hawyia
- National Housing Company
- Saudi Xerox
- Safwacc
- National Biscuits Confectionery
- Estarta
- Estithmar Holding
- Invita Company W.L.L