Mastering the art of selling
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Mastering the art of selling

Mastering the art of selling

Motivated sales professionals are entertaining, educational and positive self-starters who are visionaries and leaders, writes Dariush Soudi, chief gladiator at Be Unique Group


Sales is one of the most controversial of professions. Most people imagine a salesperson to be the one who sells you goods or services that you don’t really require, and when things go wrong, that person is nowhere to be seen. But things have changed considerably in recent years. Often, a client knows more about the products than the salesperson. And thanks to the power of the internet, clients can do all the research and even get price estimations prior to meeting the salesperson.

Unfortunately, the sales industry has not kept pace with this change. We find the market filled with demotivated sales personnel who are not trained, know little about the company they work for and even less about the products they are selling.

Sales is all about adding value. It’s about fulfilling a client’s needs. And the only way to find out what a customer truly requires, is by asking great – and right – questions. The first rule in sales is: People buy from people they like and trust.

A salesperson can build trust by acquiring the following skills:
1. Be happy, motivated, confident and humble

2. Be knowledgeable about your own products, services and research the prospects of the industry that you operate in

3. Be clear about how your services or products add value to a client’s business. After all, why will a prospective client part with their hard-earned money if you don’t know and explain how much money the client is going to make or save

4. Have in your arsenal of tools at least 20 open-ended questions ready to ask the prospective client

5. Remain professional at all times. Ensure that you arrive at least five minutes prior to the meeting. Do your research on the location of the client’s office and avoid calling in the last minute, asking for the address. Clean your equipment (it’s amazing how many meetings I have been to where the laptop is filthy, or the pen people use is broken) and make sure that you dress presentably

6. Have your business card with you on hand and your proposal printed and in a file. Check that your laptop is fully charged and working with all files opened and ready at the click of a button

7. An important point is to ensure that your mobile phone is switched off during the meeting with the total focus given to the client

8. Make sure that the appointment is confirmed a day prior to the visit. It is possible that the client has forgotten to book the appointment. This proves that you are a professional who values their time

Closing the deal: It amazes me how most sales people just leave it to the prospective client to call them. This portrays a lack of confidence in what they are offering. It’s a sign of a professional salesperson to just nudge clients over the finishing line. A true salesperson constantly analyses the body language of the customer and also pays attention to the things they say. Those signals offer amazing information on how the meeting is going. The ABC of sales stands for “Always Be Closing”.

Gladiator sales
There are two types of sales people in the market. There are the order takers and then there are the true “gladiators”. The order takers don’t have to do much. Clients come to them asking them to fulfill orders and their requirements such as “I need to order enough chocolates to fill those shelves” or “I need those shoes in black and this is my size”.

However, professional “gladiator” sales professionals are a different breed of people. They know that no one has woken up that day wanting to buy their products or services. Through many practice sessions and role plays, they have prepared themselves for battle.

They are confident yet humble because during those grueling and often boring sessions, they have prepared themselves for all eventualities. They are ready.

They know that sales is a numbers game and through daily proactive action plans, they will win and finally make their way to abundance and financial freedom.

With every rejection, they know they have to dust themselves off and start all over again. Gladiators are hungry but not desperate, they know people will believe in them as they carry certainty in all that they do – the way they walk, the way they talk and the way they carry themselves. They only talk positively about opportunities. The environment doesn’t affect their success. The weather doesn’t change their moods. They are motivated and driven by goals far bigger than their own needs. They desire better things in life for their family and the people who need them most. They don’t fear failure or success and have a great relationship with money. Irrespective of their upbringing, they keep studying how great leaders conduct themselves and whenever they are faced with a challenge, they ask: “What would this champion do in this situation”. The gladiator knows that the answers are always there if they ask the right question.

Through their attitude, they create wants and desires in society. They are prepared for hard negotiations to make sure they have a win-win deal in the end. That is the only way the new relationship with a customer lasts.

Then they close the deal. Gladiators know that victory can be taken away from them any minute, so they are relentless until the prospect commits. After every success they shout ‘next’.

The gladiator celebrates life as he knows there is no guarantee of a tomorrow. He makes the most out of each day because he is aware that time is his most valuable commodity and that he should not waste it. Through their presence and actions, gladiators inspire others – whether that’s people who want to do business with them or tribes who will follow them. Their success will leave behind an amazing legacy far beyond their lifetime.

Gladiator sales professionals are entertaining, educational, positive, motivated and hungry, self-starters who are visionaries and leaders. They understand that hard work and growth makes them ‘lucky’ (labour under calculated knowledge) in life.

Find the gladiator within you because we all deserve abundance in life, irrespective of our situation. Win your way to financial freedom through gladiator sales.


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