The total value of sukuk and bond listed on Nasdaq Dubai in 2021 was recorded at $23.1bn, an 18.5 per cent increase over 2020.
The 30 listings undertaken in 2021 were 15.5 per cent higher than the number of listings the previous year.
There were several billion-dollar listing on the exchange last year. In April, Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) listed a $2.5bn sustainability sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai.
Read: Saudi’s Islamic Development Bank lists $2.5bn sustainability sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai
In June, Nasdaq Dubai listed three sukuk tranches issued by the Government of Indonesia, with a total value of $3bn. The three sukuk tranches, listed on June 9, 2021, comprise a $1.25bn sukuk at 1.5 per cent yield and a five-year maturity; a $1bn sukuk at 2.55 per cent yield and a 10-year maturity and a $750m green sukuk at 3.55 per cent yield and with a maturity period of 30 years. The total value of all sukuk listed by the Government of Indonesia on Nasdaq Dubai therefore rose to $19.75bn at the time.
Read also: Indonesian government lists three sukuk valued at $3bn on Nasdaq Dubai
In October, Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Development Bank listed another $1.7bn sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai. IsDB therefore became the largest supranational sukuk issuer on Nasdaq Dubai with a total value of $18.8bn through 13 issuances listed on the exchange since 2016.
Read more: Saudi’s Islamic Development Bank lists $1.7bn sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai
With a $250m sukuk listing by Kuwait’s Warba Bank last month, the total value of sukuks listed on Nasdaq Dubai now stands at $79.4bn.