Private schools in Dubai will open “as usual” next week at the start of the new school term, regulator Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) confirmed on Wednesday.
“Private schools in Dubai are not affected by the recent announcement and will be open as ‘usual’ next week,” it said in a brief message on Twitter.
“As with the first term of this academic year, parents continue to have the choice of face-to-face or distance learning for their children,” it added.
The clarification came after Abu Dhabi announced on Wednesday that all pupils in the emirate will have remote learning for the first two weeks of the new term that begins on January 3, 2021.
The decision applies to all students at both public and private schools in the emirate.
The UAE Ministry of Education also said on Tuesday that all public schools in the country would offer online learning for the first two weeks of the new term.
Read: Abu Dhabi announces e-learning for all school students for first two weeks of new term
Earlier this year, the KHDA confirmed that Dubai schools must follow a seven-step protocol in case a student or staff member tests positive for the coronavirus infection.
Read: Seven steps Dubai schools must take if someone tests positive for Covid-19
It had also issued a list of 100-plus protocols for the re-opening of private schools across the emirate for the academic year 2020-21 in September.
Read: KHDA issues list of protocols for reopening of private schools in Dubai