Your biochemistry is as unique as your fingerprint; it determines your physical and emotional wellbeing, energy levels, and longevity – all of which are the result of millions of complex processes in the body and brain. But sometimes the body’s biochemistry loses its equilibrium, and that imbalance can lead to a host of problems such as exhaustion, insomnia, weight fluctuations and emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.
Biomolecular Restoration (BIO-R) is being recommended as a key treatment to alleviate these symptoms by Zurich-based The Kusnacht Practice.
Known globally for its transformative treatments and wellbeing programmes, the luxury treatment centre is offering a revolutionary programme to recalibrate the body, mind and energy through treatments that are grounded in science.
The centre’s BIO-R programme has been associated with an increase in strength and stamina, improved cognitive function, detoxification, weight management, anti-ageing benefits and longevity. The programme is also known to help reduce risk factors for lifestyle-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease and support their treatment. Dr Antoinette Sarasin Gianduzzo, founder and director of Biomolecular Restoration at The Kusnacht Practice, explains: “Health, vitality and overall wellbeing are extremely precious and essential foundations that our quality of life is built on.
“As the pioneers of BIO-R, The Kusnacht Practice has developed a highly effective method to detect and correct biochemical imbalances and metabolic stress factors that lead to physical and psychological impairments.”
The programme is offered at the state-of-the art treatment centre, combining the highest Swiss quality standards, professional care and confidentiality, by a highly experienced medical team. Patients, housed comfortably in their own five-star villas along Lake Zurich or at the centre’s second location in Geneva, receive individualised care and attention.
Dr Sarasin adds: “Our team of experts achieves this through scientific in-depth laboratory tests, tailored micronutrient supplementation, specific treatments at the cellular level and personalised coaching. It is a unique medical treatment that detects the underlying causes and true roots of physical and emotional discomfort as well as ageing processes and treats them.
“The tailored and personalised approach, as well as the combination of innovative treatments, bring improvements at a cellular level makes this treatment so effective.”
Patients also receive 360° support, acquiring a new lifestyle that is truly sustainable beyond their stay to maintain optimal health in the long term and delay the ageing process.
The Kusnacht Practice, which specialises in the treatment of mental health disorders such as depression, trauma, anxiety, dependency and chronic pain management, also offers residential leader retreats and family programmes for overall wellbeing, and post-Covid recovery treatment.