Saudi carrier flynas in talks to purchase four new aircraft - CEO
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Saudi carrier flynas in talks to purchase four new aircraft – CEO

Saudi carrier flynas in talks to purchase four new aircraft – CEO

The airline currently has about 26 aircraft in its fleet with the average age of eight and half years


Saudi Arabian budget carrier flynas, which made its first profit this year, is in talks with plane manufacturers Airbus and Boeing as it seeks to purchase four new aircraft over the next four years, its chief executive told reporters on Sunday.

“Profitability has given us confidence. We’re talking to Airbus and Boeing to see their best offer,” Paul Byrne said on the sidelines of an aviation event in Dubai.

Flynas turned profitable earlier this year and has seen nine consecutive months of profit since, Byrne said. The airline currently has about 26 aircraft in its fleet with the average age of eight and half years, he said.

The growth in fleet will come at one aircraft per year for the “foreseeable” future and may see the airline switch from Airbus to an all-Boeing fleet, Byrne said.


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