Saudi clamps down on government worker sick leave
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Saudi clamps down on government worker sick leave

Saudi clamps down on government worker sick leave

Public sector workers will now require a signed document from a doctor for a single sick day off


Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Civil Service has reportedly made it made difficult for government staff to claim sick leave.

The new rules come following the introduction of performance-led bonuses and other measures in recent months as the kingdom seeks to improve punctuality and rein in spending.

Read: Saudi sets new rules for government worker bonuses

Under the system, employees will get a single day off if a doctor at an authorised health centre signs a sick leave document, according to Saudi Gazette.

In order to get three days off employees must obtain a document from a hospital, while four days will require a document signed by a consultant and a doctor.

A consultant and two doctors must sign off any leave longer than four days and four government bodies must examine the document for sick leave exceeding 30 days must examine the documents.

Deputy minister of civil service for planning and development, Obaid Allah Al-Sanaa, said the new regulation aimed to make the sick leave system more stringent, according to the publication.

It is not applicable to private sector employees.


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