V Shankar, CEO of Standard Chartered says the unrest is inflating banking wages but he’s confident the UAE will be the financial services powerhouse for the region.
Ahead of the World Cup, Qatar has disallowed conventional banks from holding Islamic finance arms and crunched down on lending limits. Ryan Harrison investigates the reasons behind the mandates and asks whether the rulings will set a precedent across.
In the wake of the tax evasion clampdown in the West, Swiss banks are aggressively pursuing the emerging markets, says Raymond Baer, chairman of billion dollar investment bank Julius Baer.
It’s been a mixed bag for Middle East airlines as they battle with regional uprisings on the ground, but UAE profits have soared as passengers flock to safer climes.
Akbar Al Baker, CEO of Qatar Airways, speaks exclusively to Alicia Buller about Western detractors, rising oil prices, and why there’s enough future global demand to fill his record order book.
While men focus on big-ticket purchases, it is the females of the world who oil the wheels of the global economy with regular impulse buys, house-upkeep, undergarments and socks (yes, socks).
As the region’s economy grows at a juggernaut pace, will the Gulf’s billion dollar medical industry be able to meet the dual challenges of lifestyle diseases and a vast, ageing population by 2025? Alicia Buller investigates.
In an exclusive interview, Abdulkareem Abu Alnasr, CEO of Saudi’s largest bank NCB talks about his hopes for the Kingdom’s economy, why name lending is a fallacy and how it feels to be the man that runs the region’s biggest financial institution.
Amid widespread regional unrest, the UAE has reclaimed its mantle as the oasis of opportunity in the desert, although, worryingly, it’s just too early to rule out future political unease.