Dubai schools must follow a seven-step protocol in case a student or staff member tests positive for the coronavirus infection, the emirate’s education regulator Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has confirmed.
In a tweet, KHDA enumerated a list of seven instructions that Dubai-based academic institutions must adhere to, in case a Covid-19 infection is identified on campus.
The list includes:
- Everyone stays calm
- School leaders call Dubai Health Authority (DHA)
- DHA and the school carry out contact tracing to identify close contacts
- The school notifies parents of all close contacts
- All close contacts quarantine for 14 days, with access to distance learning
- The school is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised using a government-approved company
- Dubai Government authorities investigate and recommend whether classes should temporarily switch to distance learning
In July, KHDA issued a list of 100-plus protocols for the re-opening of private schools across the emirate for the academic year 2020-21.
Read: KHDA issues list of protocols for reopening of private schools in Dubai
Precautionary measures that should be followed in schools include screening all students and staff for temperature at entry points to the school, maintaining physical distance as recommended by relevant health authorities, reducing the head-count capacity in classrooms, limiting gatherings and suspending group activities such as school celebrations and sports events, organising and managing the students’ working day including mealtimes to avoid high concentrations of students in one place, sterilising the school building, classrooms, laboratories and other facilities regularly.
Furthermore, private schools in Dubai were afforded the leeway to choose an approach suitable to them, depending on the size, location and number of students. Schools could accommodate students in either one or multiple shifts, and have the option of providing either partial or full distance learning alternatives depending on their agreement with parents.
Read: Private schools in Dubai can opt for a suitable teaching approach