#Commercial property

Dubai real estate mid year review CBRE courtesy Dubai-Media-Office

UAE real estate market: Strong demand, lack of supply to drive further growth in 2023, reveals CBRE

In Dubai, the total volume of transactions has broken records in the first half of the year, up 43.3 per cent year-on-year in the year-to-date to H1 2023

Dubai Office Market defies global slump Image courtesy Getty Images

Dubai office market defies global slump with influx of tenants

Average rents for prime commercial real estate in Dubai have risen as much as 17 per cent

Dubai Chambers, DLD to enhance transparency in rental market, boost investment environment

The MoU signed by the entities will allow business councils and groups under Dubai Chambers to own and rent real estate and offices in the emirate

Dubai new decree passed amending property allotment law

Dubai issues decree regulating grant of title to industrial and commercial land

The decree is the latest in a series of laws that have been recently passed in Dubai in relation to property