Dubai unveils unified licence initiative

Dubai launches initiative to boost ease of doing business

The streamlined process contributes to bolstering Dubai’s competitiveness as a business-friendly destination

Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp 2023

Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp to recognise eco-friendly hotels in the emirate

The Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp by DET to showcase the hotel’s adherence to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship


Dubai Tourism, Mastercard launch digital city partnership

The digital partnership will work to accelerate growth across the tourism ecosystem

Dubai DET announces that Holiday Homes to have qr codes going forward image credit Dubai Media Office

Holiday homes in Dubai now need QR codes on entrances, here’s why

This code enables visitors and guests to conveniently scan it and access essential information about the operator of the holiday home and the relevant contact details for the Department of Economy and Tourism

Dubai tourism in Q1 2023

Dubai welcomes 4.67 million tourists in Q1 2023

The visitors in Q1 2023 were just two percentage points short of the pre-pandemic volume of 4.75 million tourists that arrived in Dubai in the first three months of 2019

Dubai tourism dept relaunched carbon calculator Image courtesy Dubai-Media-Office

Dubai relaunches Carbon Calculator for hospitality sector

Nineteen ‘Sustainability Requirements’ have been put in place to establish a baseline across hotels in Dubai and unify hotels’ environmental practices