#Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub

Boeing business jets

Empire Aviation adds first Boeing Business Jet to its charter fleet

The Boeing jet is an ultra-large-cabin, long-range aircraft equipped to ferry up to 18 passengers

Ground breaking Dubai Helipark Aerospace Hub in Dubai

Phase 2 of Dubai Helipark construction commences

The new phase will include a commercially owned and operated landside helicopter hangar

MBRAH Suppliers Complex Dubai South

Mohammed Bin Rashid Aerospace Hub’s Suppliers Complex nears completion

The facility aims to host SMEs and startups by offering solutions that are designed for multipurpose activities

Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub Dubai South

Private jet movements at Dubai South up 336% in Q1 2021

It reached 4,904 in the first quarter of this year compared to 1,460 in Q1 2020

Private Jets Dubai

Private jets movements at Dubai South increased 21% y-on-y in 2020

The Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub recorded a 78 per cent growth of private jets movements in Q4 2020, compared to Q4 2019

Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub Dubai South

Private jet movement at VIP Terminal in Dubai South up 93% y-on-y in Q3 2020

Aviation represents over 25 per cent of Dubai’s GDP