#Smart Cities

Genetec AI

Genetec forecasts shift in video surveillance landscape with AI-driven innovations

The integration of video analytics and AI capabilities has gained momentum, bolstering the effectiveness of surveillance systems

Here’s how to build a smart city of the future

Even with all these technological investments, some municipal officials and agencies struggle to move public safety and smart city initiatives forward

How user experience is instrumental to developing sustainable smart cities

Cities are complex, networked, and continuously changing social ecosystems, shaped and transformed through different technologies and human interests

Elias Aad mastercard

Why smart cities are important to the UAE

Making well-informed data-based decisions around development policy accelerates local business, drives trade, and enables job growth

Three steps for smart cities to unlock their full IoT potential

There has been an exponential increase of smart city developments in the Middle East

GCC countries eye multi-billion AI opportunity

Regional artificial intelligence centre of excellence proposed

Etihad ESCO joins Moro Hub to boost Smart City capabilities

Etihad ESCO will now benefit from Moro Hub’s digital, cloud and secured services