UAE enacts new laws for healthcare professionals
Practising without a healthcare licence attracts a fine of not less than Dhs50,000 and not exceeding Dhs100,000

The UAE Government has approved several federal decrees and amendments that regulate healthcare professions, healthcare providers and veterinary medicine, according to state news agency WAM.
The new laws are aimed at regulating the practice of non-doctors and pharmacists for several healthcare professions including nursing, laboratories, medical physics, functional therapy, physiotherapy, aesthetics, anaesthesia, audiology, and radiology.
The amendments increase the penalties for professionals who practice the profession without obtaining a license and those who do not meet the requirements.
The law and the updates on the provisions set out several medical ethics and professional conducts for health professionals practising in the UAE, in addition to updating the disciplinary sanctions in cases where violations are committed.
The amendments include establishing a national medical register for professionals in the country.
The law stipulates that no one is allowed to practise as a health professional unless they are authorised by the healthcare authority.
Obtaining a UAE healthcare licence requires a bachelor’s degree or a health professional qualification recognised in the country.
Similarly, health professionals must be of good conduct and should be medically fit to perform their duties.
The law requires healthcare professionals to perform their duties with the precision and trust required by the profession, under the generally accepted scientific and technical standards and in line with the dignity and honour of the profession.
The federal government is set to create a national medical register for healthcare professionals at the Ministry of Health and Prevention. Health authorities at the emirate level will also create their own registers linked to the national register.
Fines for practising without a healthcare licence
The UAE said practising without a healthcare licence and without meeting the conditions that are required to obtain one attracts a fine of not less than Dhs50,000 and not exceeding Dhs100,000.
Similarly, any person who practices without a licence but meets the conditions that allow them to obtain the licence will be hit by a fine of not less than Dhs10,000 and not exceeding Dhs100,000.
The amendment to the law introduced new penalties for healthcare facilities committed for non-serious offences that do not require the temporary closure of the facility, or the suspension of its director, operator, administration or employee.
The updated penalties and fines include a written warning, a fine of not less than Dhs1,000 and not exceeding Dhs500,000 and a temporary suspension of the licence to practice the profession less than six months in cases whereby the director, manager, administration or personnel of a healthcare facility violates the law.
Furthermore, private health facilities that violate the law face a fine of not less than Dhs1,000 and not exceeding Dhs1m or temporary closure of the healthcare facility in whole or in part for a period not exceeding six months.
To facilitate licencing procedures and provide functional competencies to veterinary facilities in the country, the law amendments include updating the duration of expertise required for the licencing of Emirati veterinarians and recent graduates to pursue the profession.
Veterinarians and assisted medical professionals are exempt from certain fees. The new laws allow foreign investors to establish and own veterinary facilities in the UAE to boost foreign direct investments in the veterinary sector.