The UAE has confirmed that January 1, 2021 will be a public holiday in the country.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation on Tuesday announced that all public and private sector employees will get a day off to mark the New Year.
However, with January 1 falling on a Friday, most workers will not get an additional day off.
The UAE recently released a full list of public holidays for public and private sectors in 2021.
Holidays for 2021:
January 1: New Year’s Day
Ramadan 29 to Shawwal 3: Eid Al Fitr [Likely to fall from May 11-15]
Zul Hijjah 9: Arafat Day [Likely to fall on July 19]
Zul Hijjah 10-12: Eid Al Adha [Likely to fall from July 20-22]
August 12: Islamic New Year
October 21: Prophet Mohammed’s birthday
December 1: Commemoration Day
December 2-3: National Day
Read: UAE announces list of public holidays for 2021 and 2022