Young leaders: Veer Doshi, 22, director of Vincitore Real Estate Development
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Young leaders: Veer Doshi, 22, director of Vincitore Real Estate Development

Young leaders: Veer Doshi, 22, director of Vincitore Real Estate Development

Doshi outlines the challenges and opportunities of joining the family business at a young age


Did you feel any pressure joining the family business almost immediately after graduating from university? How did you approach those first few months with Vincitore?

I have been a part of the business since its inception. I started coming to the office when I was in school, and although I did not make any decisions back then, my father and I used to have long discussions on different developments, strategies, and ideas that can bring a change and create new opportunities. This early exposure to the world of business excited me and charged my mind with a passion for business – a vehicle to solve problems and create tangible value for your targeted community and the world.

During my time at the University of California Berkeley, I got a chance to study and work under great leaders that were creating immense value by working at the bleeding edge of technology and solving problems on a global scale. This combined with the time spent with my father developed a strong confidence in me to identify and dissect problems, and then develop, test and iterate to find innovative solutions.

You have already been hands-on with Vincitore’s real estate projects, including making a presentation at the launch of Vincitore Benessere. How did you prepare for such responsibility?

I prepared by developing a deep inherent understanding of the product and the market through constant research, feedback, and iteration. This allowed me to think out of the box and start from first principles, and implement the latest management strategies and technology that seemed unconventional to many veterans in the field.

With the constant support of my father and our team we were ready to showcase Dubai’s first of its kind – a wellness community project that would change the face of the real estate arcade in Dubai, for which we believe home must not be measured by value per square foot, but by the happiness, wellbeing, and experience it gives its residents.

Your father and mentor is Vijay Doshi – chairman and managing director of Vincitore. What have been his most important words of professional advice so far?

Vincitore is the living embodiment of his statement “things of quality, have no fear of time”. He has always taught me that no matter what you do, do it with the utmost passion, dedication, and innovation. To strive to be the best, together.

But most importantly he has taught me that success does not come or go overnight. Success comes through persistence, through hard work, through teamwork, and through innovation. By constantly evolving, improving and aiming for excellence, we build a platform for success.

Having started your career in an executive role, you have the opportunity to shape the future of the company. What vision and ambition do you have for Vincitore in the years ahead?

Vincitore has always been about creating a new era in real estate, by passionately developing awe-inspiring landmark projects that bring happiness, wellbeing, and pride to our clients and the community. The fundamental values of trust, innovation, detailed oriented engineering, design and construction, customer satisfaction, value for money and happiness are at the very core of Vincitore.

My aim is to hold onto these fundamentals and develop new strategic business and innovation units to expand the business and make it stronger. More specifically I want to bring technology, transparency, enhanced customer experience, and innovation at the center of each development to create a completely new experience for our patrons and bring in a new era of real estate.

What are your personal goals in the world of business? What would you like to achieve in the next five, 10 or 15 years’ time?

For starters, I would like Vincitore to be globally renowned as a boutique luxury branded developer with multiple business units and developments around the world.

At the same time, I want to venture out into other industries and work on problems of a much larger scale that can help us make the world a better place for future generations. I have not yet put down a timeline on where I see myself in five, 10 or 15 years, but I am determined and committed to developing value by solving problems that affect the global community.

Moreover, I am very keen on industries like automation, robotics, renewable energy, manufacturing, bio-inspired design, and last mile transportation


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